Playbook Lean Agile Project Management

Audible Ready - Lean Project Management

Written by David Paulson | October 22, 2013 9:10:00 AM Z

Welcome to Playbook's's blog, Lean and Agile product development blog. Running projects requires the ability to adapt to new information quickly and disseminate a revised game plan to the project team in real-time. Hence we believe project teams need to be audible ready when playing the game of product development.

What is Audible Ready for Lean Project Management?

1au·di·ble adjective \ˈȯ-də-bəl\

An audible is a play called by the quarterback at the line of scrimmage, changing the play that was called in the huddle. The quarterback sees an opportunity or risk not anticipated in the huddle.

Just like a football team, project teams need to be fully informed to make a change in play as new information becomes available. Audible ready is a great way of explaining one of the core benefits of Playbook.

  • The plan is visible: For example, Playbook makes new information visible to everyone on the project.
  • The plan is easy to update, so you can make the call at the scrimmage line and change the game plan instantly.
  • Playbook embeds lean, agile and team principles to create flow in new product development projects - so your team is working on the right work at the right time to move the project forward.

What topics will the Lean Project Management blog cover?

Everything related to Lean Agile project management and product development. This includes the methods and ideas people are exploring and implementing to make product development and project management better. Methods, principles concepts and tools like Agile, Lean, team and flow. As implementing these methods is often not only game changing, but a change in mindset and culture.

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Want to know the number one cause of project delays? Watch this 9-minute video. It's definitely not what you think.


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