Looking to stimulate more innovation and agile problem solving in your organization? This week we explore methods for stimulating creativity and innovation! Topics covered include child's play, Design Thinking, Systems Thinking and the practical application of these approaches.
In this TED Talk, Tim Brown reminds us how play can stimulate creativity and reintroduces us to different types of play such as exploration, building and role playing for creative problem solving and ideation. Definitely worth the watch!
Thank you to Mary Drotar from S2M for sharing this Series of posts by John Reaves which explore the intersection between Design Thinking and Systems Thinking methods for creative problem solving. While reading, you will also find a number of tools that can be practically used in your organization today, such as Design Thinking Tools Kits and other resources.
Moving on to the practical application of these methods, in this article Niklas Lilja demonstrates how agility and Design Thinking can be applied to solve product marketing problems, faster, in collaboration with key stakeholders.
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- The Playbook Team