Welcome to Playbook’s Three Lean Links. Innovating quickly is on the top of everyone's agenda. But streamlining your hardware development process to deliver quality, innovative products faster isn't easy. To get you thinking about where to from here, here are our top tips for improving your hardware development process...
Implement visual work management software
Manual project boards are a step in the right direction, but to get your hardware development process to really sing, consider visual work management software. Here are the benefits.
Get Lean and Agile
We've written a lot about optimizing your hardware product development process by implementing Lean and Agile principles. Here is a review of they key takeaways.
Understand the economic impact of project tradeoffs
Does adding capability make sense if you have to delay the launch of your product? This on demand webinar will show you how to develop a simple economic model to make project decisions based on their impact on profit.
Watch the on demand webinar...
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- The Playbook Team