Applying Agile to Hardware Development
Are you wondering if Agile can be effectively applied to hardware development?
Yes it can. This eBook will tell you how including what works, what doesn't and recommend tested methods!
Yes it can. This eBook will tell you how including what works, what doesn't and recommend tested methods!
Listen to a project team talk about their experience using PLAYBOOK (called Relay at the time of this recording). The custom set of Lean and Agile project management methods allowed the team to create flexible plans, communicate priorities and keep everyone informed.
If you are managing hardware, software, or even complex IT projects and would like to improve your team’s performance, this on-demand, one-hour webinar demonstration of PLAYBOOK Lean project management software and methodology is designed for you If you are managing hardware, software, or even complex IT projects and would like to improve your team’s performance, this on-demand, one-hour webinar demonstration of PLAYBOOK Lean project management software and methodology is designed for you
Yes it can. This eBook will tell you how including what works, what doesn't and recommend tested methods!
Yes it can. This eBook will tell you how including what works, what doesn't and recommend tested methods!
PO Box 18027
Boulder, CO 80308
Lean Project Management
Lean Product Development
Agile Development